Friday, August 21, 2009
Name spelled backwards:nivag
Birthday:15 july 1996
Glasses or contact:nothing
Hair colour:black
Brand name for clothes:dunno
Brand name for shoes:dunno
Candy:any kind i love candy!
Cookie:subway cookies
Drinks:bubbletea and greentea
Fastfood places: anyone as long as got friend can liao.
Food: vegetables
Ice cream flavour: peach if have.
subject in school: I have alot wor. DnT,Math, Science, P.E, english(i only like ms heng)no offence xin ying
Of all your friends
The best advisor: mukarram
The best hair: Kaiwen (tsunami jyjy!!!)
The best handwriting: dunno dun care
The funniest: Daniel
The prettiest: xin ying and nicole and melody and eliora and ci rong qianqian(not bad) and dianelle a.k.a (daniel).
The most trusting: xin ying, mukarram and yan jun
The nicest eyes: xin ying
The shortest: jeffrey hahaha! sry but really wad.
The smartest: xin ying(((:
The tallest: zhi wei
Have you ever...
Been on stage: have! i use to perform
Cheated on a test: Yeah. any question i dunno.
Gone to camp:Yar. i think twice.
Keep a secret from anyone: nope
Stolen anything: dun have.i dont dare tell you all
The last
Movie watched: almost all the nice show you think is nice.
Called you: xin ying(((:
People who saw you cry: dunno leh
People you went to mall with: xin ying and others!!!
Thing you ate: potato chips.x)
Thing you drank: plain water.
If you could describe yourself in three words: kpo, caring for everyone expect for choi chin,thoughtless
What are some of your favourite junk food: Chips, sweet, and anything sweet lar.
What are the color of your bedroom wall: blue
Favourite thing to do during the weekend: masturbate!jkjkjk!hahahahahaha i play com do homework.
@ 2:10 AM
Don't let me go -